Anyone who is in financial difficulty and who needs an emergency food parcel is eligible to
seek help from us.
Anyone who is in financial difficulty and who needs an emergency food parcel is eligible to seek help from us.
We partner with support agencies in Swansea who refer people to us who are in need of emergency food parcels. These agencies include Citizens Advice Bureau, local area co-ordinators, Swansea Council, health visitors, GP practices, schools and churches. These support agencies also provide guidance and help in other areas such as mental health support, benefits guidance or debt advice.
Although we prefer to work through support agencies, we do get people who just walk in without a referral. We always supply emergency food to our walk-ins but we also encourage them to contact a support agency so that they get additional help as well.
If you are currently registered with a support agency, they will order a food pack on your behalf. If you have an emergency, you can phone us directly or message us on Facebook. We can suggest an agency who can provide you with longer term support as necessary.
(Please bear in mind that we only accept food requests up to 1pm on Wednesdays. Any emails or phonecalls after that will be processed the following week.)
We provide long life food in tins, cartons and packets.
We also provide fresh fruit and veg and bread whenever we have them and this can vary in quantity and choice. We also provide essential toiletries and basic cleaning products.
Most referring agencies have delivery drivers who can deliver food parcels to those unable to collect it themselves.
Otherwise, we are open on Wednesdays for collection of food parcels.